Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You wanna piss me off?

Ok.. It's still the same day..
But something is different.. in the last post I said it was the best day of my life..
Now its kind of the worst you want to know why?

Turned out I can't go to Eclipse today..
that really ruined a lot for me ..
Why does everybody write : Egypt 30th of June???

Second I just met a faker , who used a picture from this  website and used Twicandy as a Nickname.
If you just read the Copyright ( scroll down and look at the menu sidebar) you'll see that it is not allowed to use any pictures or texts from this website.
And after that this girl asked ME how to make a Blog.. I tried to be nice and tell her to change the picture and her name first so I could tell her , but I began to explain..
After I was quiet for a while the girl asked me again : ... so  I could make a Blog like yours I will just change the text...
I stopped talking to her ..
And just kept saying to delete everything or I'll tell the Blogger Copyright thingy..
After a looong while she did what I told her to do..

Seriously people get a life! You don;t have to copy anybody!
Of course it was cool that actually someone in the whole world likes my Blog , but that wasn't a good feeling at all..
If someone just comes and copies you.. you know that SUCKS.
And besides I could have brought into serious problems! Just think of the Copyright! That's law!
Now imagine I would have told any Copyright organisation that there is someone who copied  text, pictures and other stuff from MY website without sending me an E-mail and asking for my permission!

So I hope if you see this and copied anything you better delete it or ask me! ok??
^^ that's this blogs' support. Don't be an idiot and just ignore!

1 comment:

  1. Nooooriee!! I read your blog and it's good! :D
    Think you should know that I read it! :)
    /VicVic ;)


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