Tuesday, August 17, 2010

2pm and still alive!

Actually it's already 3 pm..
I've been up until 3am yesterday so I think I deserve a little sleep don't I?
Well I woke up at 1pm!
I'm going to turn the damn laptop off and read the book I wanted to have read by last week.
Good start into the week!
And to make it even better , it looks like I have to do some research about the History pf Toilet paper!
GOD! Guys the poll is still open for 3 days! You can still vote! :P

"I miss you ,
The seconds I live without you seem like years.
I miss you so much it hurts.
I should have told  you that before.
But my heart tells me to lie.
To hide the truth.

You've always been there for me.
I couldn't accept you being gone!
You just disappeared like the sun at the sunset.

I hope , you will like her, rise once again.
So I don't have to accept the fact.
That I will never see you again.

I told my heart you are coming back.
It believed me too easily ,
and I thought  it would be okay now.
Now that my heart thought you'd come back for me.
To take me with you.
But my mind didn't believe my as easy as my heart did.

My mind always reminded me 
that you won't come back anymore.
So I have to keep it busy 
and ignore it.
The thought of you disappearing could kill me.
It just hurts too much."

By Nora Tarraf

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