Friday, July 9, 2010

Oh boy..

I really shouldn't be online.. at all.
I'm gonna travel tomorrow and the reason why I didn't come online at all is.. I don't know how you call it but let's describe :D
You know when you make a fast move and then it hurts. Like something happened with the muscle and every time you'll move this muscle it really HURTS A LOT!
Well for some reason I did something stupid with my neck.. And  the last time I opened my laptop I screamed every 5 mins.. 
That's also the reason I couldn't write ANY posts for the ext two weeks :(
I'm so sorry!!! I really tried but I just couldn't write anything!


 ok let's calm down before I throw my laptop at the wall.. 
But .. how will I play!??? I'm gonna be somewhere in Germany! 
Ill tell my bro to do that for me.. I will kill him if he doesn't.. I am serious...
Or mybe I'll just try to make it from Germany.. but that will be HARD!
Gosh.. so many problems for such a little girl!

I finished packing :D Yay!!! I was so worried :D 
I can't wait!!! But I'm scared of what i will do with my neck.. it's way better but it still hurts a little.. 
Like I said I really shouldn't be online.. But I can't leave you for two weeks without a single post!
So well I promise I will take like hundreds of pictures and write the longest Blogger post in human history when I come back!!!

Here you go my dead Sunset Diary fans!! ( SD = sunset diary :P)

Sunset Diary 

I won't lie... I've got a crush on that guy I saw on the plane.. The only one with his light on.. except me -grins-
So I'm in a crushy mood :D
Let me describe him :
Brown hair , beautiful sea-blue eyes, very tall.. and unbelievably cute .. Btw his name is Kevin :P
You wanna know where I know his name from , Ha??
Well I "tripped" over his bag .. and after he helped me to get up again.. I looked into his eyes ( that's why I know they are sea-blue) and just said my name ..  my name is Destiny -smile- I never told you before .. I dunno why... when I know I'll tell you first XD. He said his name after I told him mine.. Turned out we live near each other!!! 
I look forward to meet him when we come back home ..
Let's talk about my crazy thoughts ..
Why is love so important to people? Even me, the one who thinks in a little bit different kind of way, couldn't hold herself from getting a crush like every girl.. And I even thought of a plan how to know his name.. Did I tell you I also got his number? YAY!
I'm acting way to girlish than I normally do.. this is getting weird.. lol
But seriously a girls' life can go from AWESOME to BAAAAD because of a guy.. that's stupid right?
You should never care about a guy "too" much .. never forget your friends!!!!! That's like the most important rule in the Girl-codex..
If you wonder what that is.. it's pretty easy to understand. It's like some rules who keep us women together!
And they aren't really written down some where , it's in a girls' brain...
Always ask yourself these questions and you always know what to do:

  • if I was her what would I do , think?
  • What would I have done?
  • Would I like to do that ? If.....?
Those are the 3 most important :D
The answers will tell you what to do and that's the Girl-Codex in my world..

I'm at my cousins now .. it's still very early and I'm the only one awake yet..
Again I'm the different one.. -sighs-
Maybe I could sleep a little bit longer..?

Dear Diary,
never forget that your best friends are WAY more important than ANY guy in the whole universe..

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