Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I saw Eclipse today , and I have to say it was awesome.. 
Best twilight movie so far!!! More det's later :D

I wanted to help all of you who wonder how to start a blog!!! ( Bayan, Vicvic, Amanda :D )
Well first of all , you have to decide which Blogger Website you want to use!
There is Blogger, Wordpress, Blog , webs.. a lot!!!
Like you can see I am using blogger.. 
So after you chose your Blogger browser you have to make an account ..
You don't really have to write more than your Email and name.
And you have to choose a Blog name right away .. But don't worry you can change it later :D
You know have your account ( Profile) and you Website ( Blog ).
Next step is to customize your Blog!
In webs you can choose a lot of different designs you can use in your Blog , or even draw your own design in "Paint" or any other Photo editing program.
In Blogger you can download different Backgrounds ( Templates, Layouts).
For example :
btemplates , plyzam , bloggertemplatesblog , blogger-templates
Or my newest favorite :  The cutest Blog on the Block :D

You can download them or just copy the HTML code if there is one :D
Now go to your Design page on Blogger , and if you downloaded ( usually needs Winzip or Winrar program) upload the Template. 
If you just copied the HTML code , delete the HTML text on this site and paste your copied one. Hit "Save".
If you know a lot about HTML you can make your own Background.. but that is very very hard!!!

The only thing you have to do now is clicking on "New Post" and start writing!!! You can add Gadgets from you Design page :D
Add videos and pictures from when you write a new post :D 

How to get music , games or videos from youtube??
Just check out my other posts :

If you want to add pages like mine : Games, Contact ^^ 
You just have to go to your Posting page and choose Edit Pages :)
Done XD

Any other questions ???
Leave a comment or contact me!!! 
More Info how to contact me ^^ click on the "contact" page :)


Sunset Diary 8

Dear Diary,
everyone is sleeping, including my little brother. He looks so cute :)
I'm still in the plane. I didn't know that it was such a long flight!!!
Oh god..  
I think I'm the only one awake...
Why am I always different? I'm always standing out of the crowd.
It's good .. but I begin to think that to be different isn't always that good.. 
You should never regret being yourself. That's for sure. And the worst thing you can do is act because you are ashamed of your real self ..
But it's not that funny if you are always alone. If you are the only one standing out if the crowd. It makes you feel weird and not welcome ..
Just like me now. Like a white dot in the middle of a big black piece of paper.
It can hurt. Because your Fantasy will begin to work. And you'll think that you will never find friends in this crazy weird world.
I know this feeling , I have it a lot. People say I'm funny and sometimes they laugh so hard I start to laugh too .
But that's it , there's like no one I know who is like me. Who at least just thinks like me.
It makes you feel like an total outsider.

Dear Diary,
Keeping your real self alive is hard. When not nearly impossible.
But you'll never regret it!  You can't be blamed because you acted different for one day anymore. I just spotted a boy who's awake now. And gosh he is cute!!!  Doesn't sound like me does it?
But ... see I'm not alone anymore :D

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