Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A little bit more starter help!

I added a chat! 
So I can stay in touch with my visitors!
I hope you'll give me a feedback !!!
Or just talk to me :D
I'll try to be online as often as possible.

BUT the chat has some rules:

  • DON'T SPAM!!!!

Ok so this is how to get a chat :

2) Customize your chat
3) Click on the "next" Button
4) and make an account
5)click "next:
6) copy the HTML code into a new gadget box! ( HTML/ Java script)


Sunset Diary 6

Dear Diary,
I was very angry yesterday..
A girl in my class freaks me out.. she is one of those very popular stupid girly girls.. whose  brain isn't bigger than smashed sherry ...
She thinks she is very popular , but that's not true..
I watched her.. the way she moves and speaks , the way she  acts..
I think she's an actor. The girl outside is not the same girl as in the inside...
I don't think I'm the only one  who doesn't like her.. She is mean to nearly everybody. Just another trick to keep her acted-outside-self alive.  Does she even have a personality? She is just following the crowd. Doing what they do.. Like a fish in the ocean.
Her grades aren't "the best"  if you understand what I mean..
She could be way better , but she's scared of what people would think. So stupid. But true is a lot of people are scared of what others think about them. I don;t count myself out. But I learned to deal with it. As long as I am happy everything is Ok..
If the others think I'm not "cool" because I am different it's their problem not mine. A lot of those people are acting. If not all of them. Actors are sad.. 

Dear Diary,
Did you know this girl was my friend?
I never told you, because it makes me sad to think about it.
But we were BEST friends.. I thought it would never change ..  but again I was wrong.
 My life changed ..  and I didn't even notice..

Like I said we were best friends.. Until this day.. She wanted to fit in with the popular crowd.. 
And left me standing in a corner all alone. 
I'm okay now. I found new friends, who would never ever let me fall..  But still I miss my ex best friend. I still would help her , I would be sad if she's sad and happy when she's happy. Although she wouldn't deserve it..


So .. that was it :D
Here are some AWESOME NEW Blogs I want YOU to visit!

^^ Craziest funniest girl I know!! ^^^

^^^Twilight obsessed girl with a HUGE heart!^^^^^^


  1. awww Nora I love it so much> Its sooo grrreat. Really its very inspiring. It makes me want to be a better person. To stand more out of the box. I jusssssssssssssst love it. gooooood job nora.


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