Tuesday, August 31, 2010

French? Non!

Okay French isn't that bad at the end but it is suicide!
I had to read the first to chapter ( if not more ) to understand what out teachers said the other day. THAT was torture. Imagine having to study a language which you don't even know how to read!
For 4 French lessons I learned a lot I have to admit. Not that I can do anything with that little bit knowledge. I've got some major spelling issues today! You can be very happy that there is a spell check in Blogger. I  don't think  you would understand  a single word.
I went school-shopping today! And no i did not buy a school JERK! :P
Exercise books, files, pens etc.
I hate and love that the-beginning-of-school drama every year..
Blogger added a Stats button to the menu. I can actually see what visitors typed into google to get here. If they found the link on a website, how many people visited my Blog from facebook or google and  soo many others. I am stunned I waited for that thing for like forever.
Thank you Blogger guys! You deserve an Emmy!
Speaking of Emmy. I haven't seen it yet!
If I find a good online link I'm gonna post it here too so you can see it, if YOU just like me always turn the TV on too late or just hate the Time difference between Countries. Not funny.

FYI: i'm too lazy to go and let my ITouch get repaired. Don't ask me why I don't know.

Le French est stupide.
Is that how you say it?
Don't get offended guys if you like French it;s just a huge major unfudgy problem!

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