Sunday, June 20, 2010


A world full of words,
which I can not hear.
Talking people , it looks so strange..
My silent word a single tear..

I see the people talking to me,
I don't understand how should I?
And when they don't get an answer
they look angry and sparks fly..

Do they know I don't understand?
I am not blind I see them talk!
I just don't hear what people want..

Guys I just wanted to get sure you all know I write everything on this Blog all by myself!
You are NOT allowed to copy any texts!!!!!!!!
It's even mentioned in the Copyright text , just scroll down and you'll see it!!!

I just read about a guy whose texts have all been copied!
I think that is really mean and I definitely shouldn't been done!!!

I don't know what to blog about today...
A usual my life goes on..
I wake up , do what I do. and then I go to sleep..

A little bit of everything..
that sentence just came into my mind. I have no idea why.. no really I seriously don't know why...
Doesn't that mean something like .. Everything combined in one?
A life with everything.. Love, Fights, Friends, Laughter, Tears..
I think it is great when you live your life to the max..
How do you wanna know what life is if you don't try to know it? To feel every single part of your life??

What is this quote about?

Death is easy.. Life is harder..

If you ask me I think it is totally stupid!
Life is easy when you learn to spend it on the right things !!! Of course it may be hard but that is just a part of it!
Like I said before Life is  a Roller-coaster it has it's up and downs and maybe you'll have more downs than ups or more ups than downs... You change it the way you want .. It doesn't just happen..

1 comment:

  1. I actually loved that phrase. Death people see it as an end to it all. They never see it as a begining of something new. I know like you die,but its what it means to have lived. We truly live our lives and then we die. We find easyiness in that. But life itself is harder and it always will be. Because life is always changing. the winds change like the seasons.But death stays still,and it becomes easy,and you could say peaseful.


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